Bull Pasture, South Cave

Bull pasture is situated in East Yorkshire, in the small town of South Cave.

We have been invited to partner with South Cave Football Club to put in this new planting.

Our aim was to create a woodland with visual interest, shade and open spaces, a woodland canopy to benefit both people and wildlife.

This planting is part of the Northern Forest initiative, and adds 2320 trees, or hedgerow plants to the region.

We are working with the local community, (and of course our own Green Task Force) to create the planting. Species being planted include Goat Willow, Rowan, Beech, Crab Apple and Dog Rose.

The image on this page shows just what such a planting might look like in just a few short years.We would like to thank East Riding of Yorkshire Council for a tree fund grant, Motor Depot and Offset. Without our funders, trees would simply not get planted.

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