
There are many ways for you to get involved with PATT Foundation. 

Meet new people, gain new skills, support local communities and help combat climate change!

“I became a volunteer at PATT Foundation because of its work within communities to enhance nature. It’s been a great way for me to help others and support projects in the local area. I have learned much more about plants and trees, met new people and have become part of a team.”


Corporate Volunteering

Employer supported volunteering is a great way to support your company’s corporate social responsibility while also boosting your team’s morale and wellbeing. Building a culture that promotes employee volunteering by establishing opportunities for staff to volunteer will also allow new skills to develop and is a great way to make team building days matter.

If you would like to speak to the PATT team about planning a volunteering day at our nursery site or one of our future tree planting site, or for more information about corporate volunteering contact the PATT team at info@pattfoundation.org

“Volunteering aids in my wellness and benefits others as well as myself. I have gained resiliance as well as new skills. The advice I would give to other people thinking about volunteering is take a leap of faith; use volunteering to your own strengths. Above all, enjoy it!”


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