Imphal Barracks

When the opportunity arose to plant trees at the barracks in York it was a project that only had one delivery teams name on it, the veterans from the PATT Foundations ‘Green Task Force’.

The charity was approached by Leah Hallas, from the Community Forest Trust to the look at the planting of 675 trees at the home of the 2nd Signal Regiment in Fulford Road, York. A project that was sponsored by the White Rose Forest as part of the Northern Forest initiative to plant 50 million trees. 

The project went ahead at full speed and a small team of soldiers assisted the Green Task Force’s veterans to complete the job in only a few hours which is testimony to the great work ethic that the armed forces personnel have. Importantly that resolve stays with the individuals once they have left the forces.

Ex Royal Signals Warrant Officer Andrew McLaren said, “it was a nostalgic and rewarding day being back at Imphal Barracks. A place which holds fond memories of my time spent here as a Junior Commander. The chance to meet up with past colleagues whilst adding value by helping to plant over 650 trees was too good an opportunity to miss”

Major Kevin Read quoted, “The Green Task Force is a fascinating initiative for our veterans, and I wish you all the success moving forward!  I was indeed inspired to volunteer to assist the Green Task Force in the future and I very much look forward to working alongside your team.”

Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Balfour, passed on a massive thank you for the support provided by the Green Task Force tree planting team and the initiative hasn’t gone unnoticed within the higher echelons as the regiment is hoping to present this as a case study to inform the broader military community of what can be achieved in the wider community context as well as within military bases.

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