Project Artemis RM

Re-Connecting Royal Marines with the Countryside they Serve

Project Artemis RM is a rural initiative that supports Royal Marines and Tri Service personnel (Serving and Veteran) by coordinating formal training and continuous professional development within the Land & Wildlife Sector.

Gaining access into the rural sector, either for a vocation or for recreation remains difficult for Service Personnel. The Land & Wildlife sector requires suitably qualified and experienced personnel (SQEP) with evidence-based references. Royal Marines and other service personnel have significant skills and value to add to the rural sector.  Project Artemis RM provides the support they need to gain employment within the land, wildlife and forestry sectors.

What We Do

Project Artemis combines existing service organisations, charities, the private sector and public sector to provide grass root training and continuous professional development to gain recognised competency and experience within the land and wildlife sector.

Teach – Train – Upskill

Project Artemis RM works with training providers, landowners and estates who act as instructors and mentors to professionally develop our members, including practical work experience.

Habitat Monitoring

Continuous Habitat monitoring is essential to ensure all Land & Wildlife management is necessary and ethical.  Project Artemis RM members augments subject matter experts in ecology to capture crucial data to identify biodiversity trends.  This shapes the appropriate Land & Wildlife management plan. 

Land & Wildlife Management

Project Artemis RM delivers safe, structured, ethical, ecologically driven Land & Wildlife management, working to clearly defined land management aims.

“As I reach the end of a 35-year career within the Royal Marines, I find myself happiest in the natural environment.  Land & Wildlife management requires dedication, discipline, physical resilience and significant amounts of effort, all qualities I find challenging and rewarding.   Spending early mornings and late evenings in the woods, moorland and high mountains of the Great Britain managing deer, tests me just as much as when serving within the Royal Marines.  This combined with meeting and working with some off the best and most diverse people within the UK, from Cornishman to Highlanders and everyone in between, makes me profoundly privileged.

To be able to offer the learning opportunities, where previously there wasn’t the chances to do so, and to see Royal Marines and Service Personnel go on to flourish within Land & Wildlife management gives me a great sense of worth.

Re-connecting Royal Marines with the Countryside they serve is my aim and every day remains a school day as we seek to continue to serve the nation as Land and Wildlife managers.”

Steven Tompkins

CEO and Founder, Project Artemis RM

For more information about Project Artemis RM or to get involved email the team at or fill the form below

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