
upon Hull

Alderman Cogan

Through One Hull of a Forest, a PATT Foundation project, 3750 trees were planted in the grounds of Alderman Cogan’s School by members of Green Task Force, a PATT Foundation project which works with veterans.

Alderman, Kneeshaw

Cranswick supports PATT project “One Hull of a Forest” by taking part in one of our tree planting projects.

Hull as a city has 2.6% woodland cover compared with an average for the UK of 8.4%

Butterfly City

One third of all insect species globally are now endangered (RHS 2019) a statistic that has challenged environmentalists around the globe to take local action to create habitats and food sources to reverse this decline.

Humber Releaf Project

The Humber Releaf project is a project that is being set up by the PATT Foundation that aims to create a revolving fund to support ongoing reforestation in the Humber region and create employment for veterans under the Green Task Force. 

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