Arco helped kick-off the new year by volunteering in our greenhouses in Preston. Two groups from Arco donned their gardening gloves and safety boots to help the planet by planting the first of this year’s trees.

Alice, Learning and Development Partner, was joined by colleagues Andy, Katie, Tracey, Emma and Liz for a day of planting seeds at PATT Foundation.

Alice said: “The PATT Foundation is an incredible environmental conservation organisation that is on a mission to save the planet, one tree at a time. They are relatively new to the Hull area, meaning the site they currently occupy is needing quite a bit of work to try and get it running more efficiently. We were delighted to be able to help and get to know one another better in the process.”

The PATT Foundation not only plants trees, but also educates communities on sustainable forestry and the environment.

Steven, Regional Sales Manager, and the Yorkshire and East Midlands Sales Team, also decided to help the organisation by planting some saplings. Steven said: “We chose to volunteer with them as it was a wonderful opportunity to support their ‘One Hull of a Forest’ scheme. We were able to plant over 1,000 saplings throughout the day which will now be safe inside greenhouses until their final planting next year.”

Everyone at PATT Foundation wants to say thank you to the team at Arco for joining us, and choosing to volunteer to help combat climate change!