Can trees reduce crime?

In an age where we are constantly connected (research from RescueTime, one of several apps for iOS and Android created to monitor phone use, shows that people spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day equating to an eye-boggling 45 days...

What Can My Household Do?

In May 2018, the government’s official advisory body, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), recommended that the UK set a legally binding target to cut greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The CCC’s report acknowledged that reducing emissions to zero would be...

With a little bit of help from my friends

We all need a little help form our friends, and trees are no exception. Did you know they form a ‘marriage’ with soil living fungi? (These fungi are called mycorrhizal fungi) The fungi are much better than the tree at taking up plant nutrients from the soil, as well...

It’s Our Birthday and We Want to (Tree)Party!

From humble beginnings…. PATT Foundation is celebrating it’s 15th birthday, and all we want are trees. The seed was sown in Thailand when we first supplied 500 fruit and teak trees to an orphanage, and since then, we haven’t stopped. Take a look back through the...