1st August marks Yorkshire Day, a date to celebrate everything Yorkshire. Here at PATT Foundation, we’ve decided to celebrate and look back at the tree planting and rewilding projects we’ve done around the county – North, West, South and of course East!

Yorkshire is one of our favourite places to plant trees through the rain and shine. (We’re not bias because many of the team hail from there, honest). Working with community forests we’ve been able to plant in some of the most naturally beautiful areas while supporting native wildlife and increasing the natural biodiversity in the area.

According to the latest National Statistics, just 13% of UK is covered by woodland. Hull’s woodland cover is just 1.8%, one of the lowest areas in the country, while the East Riding of Yorkshire woodland accounts for 3.8% of land. Both are incredibly low but with the support of Humber Forest, corporate sponsorship and our amazing volunteers we are working to help increase that!

If you are in the Yorkshire area and would like to find out more about tree planting volunteer opportunities visit our Tree Planting page or become a Volunteer