Our woodlands are a key insight into the natural world especially the older and more ancient parts of our countryside, yet development and tree cutting has lead to a dramatic decline in these green areas. According to the Woodland Trust, just 2.5% of UK land is covered in ancient woodland. That’s just 609,990 hectares.

But what counts as ancient woodland? The government defines ancient woodland as any area that has been wood continuously since at least 1600 AD.

As part of an Ancient Woodland Flora Restoration Project, the Veteran Ranger Team of Green Task Force (North West) have been collecting wild garlic in order to encourage new growth in barren areas, promoting an increase in biodiversity from the once-covered rhododendron and ivy woodland floor.

We’d like to say a special thanks to The Mersey Forest and Bold Forest Park Project.

This Green Task Force (North West) project was made possible through The Green Recovery Challenge Fund which is supported by public funds and delivered by the National Lottery Heritage Fund in partnership with Natural England and the Environment Agency.