This month PATT Foundation we welcomed Graham Stuart MP, Minister for Energy and Climate, to our Preston Nursery site to find out more about our amazing projects and to see how our greenhouses are developing with the help of our wonderful volunteers.

Graham was accompanied by South West Holderness Ward Councillors Sue Steel, David Winter and John Dennis, and enjoyed a tour around the site led by PATT Foundation founder Andy Steel and Chief Executive Steve Haigh, who spoke about our work to combat climate change by creating woodlands in the UK as well as abroad.

Steve and Andy taking our local MP and councillors on a site tour

Speaking about the MP’s visit, Steve said: “It was great to welcome Minister of State for Energy and Climate Graham Stuart to our Preston nursery and show him the things our team at PATT Foundation have been doing to combat carbon emissions through woodland and forest creation. We were pleased to hear our local MP wanted to take part in planting his own tree on our Preston site, and we will happily have him back for our next tree planting volunteer session.”

“It was a pleasure to be able to speak with our Minister of State for Energy and Climate about our carbon offset projects around the world and tell him about the tree planting projects we are currently working on in the local area.” Andy said.

Following his visit, Graham Stuart MP said: “We know we need to plant more trees to help our planet and I am delighted that the PATT Foundation in Preston is leading the way. Contributing to the planting of three million trees is no mean feat and I was proud to play my part in helping them towards their target of planting four million. I look forward to seeing the sapling I planted grow.”